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Colic Baby Massage Harrow Crying Advice

Harrow Colic baby

Colic baby massage Harrow Crying advice
Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your baby. Breast milk contains everything a baby needs for the first six months of life. It helps protect your baby from infections and diseases, reduces the chance of obesity and helps prevents gastroenteritis. For mums, breastfeeding has been proven to reduce the risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer and it naturally uses up 500 calories a day so it is often easier to lose that pregnancy weight.
Harrow Colic baby massage Crying advice
UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative estimates that 80% of UK women initiate breast-feeding, however by the first week this falls to 35% and by six weeks only 21% of babies are still being exclusively breastfed. Breastfeeding requires time and patience to successfully establish and I can provide practical support and advice on positioning, posture, latching, expressing and maintaining milk production to help you persevere with what can be a challenge for all mums.

I have completed the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative Breastfeeding course and have knowledge and experience of identifying some of the factors that may interfere with establishing breastfeeding such as tongue-tie, mastitis and oral thrush.

Infant formula feeding:
For those babies on infant-formula I can demonstrate preparation of feeds and appropriate sterilisation techniques to reduce the risk of your baby suffering gastroenteritis. I can provide advice on quantities your baby needs as it develops and answer all those questions you may have about feeding routines and formula compositions.

Common to both breastfed and formula-fed babies is colic. I will help you recognise the symptoms of colic, understand the digestive process that contribute to it and show you different winding positions.

Contact me if you would like to discuss Colic in babies in more detail.

07732 398 471 Email:

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