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Baby led weaning Harlow Feeding transition advice

Harlow Baby led weaning

Baby led weaning Harlow Feeding transition advice
Introducing a good variety of healthy foods from the start will help lay the foundations for healthy growth and development. Department of Health guidelines advise that weaning should start from six months onwards, however every baby is individual and I can provide advice on the signs that your baby is ready for solid food. I can provide advice on baby-led weaning and on how to gradually introduce different flavours and textures while
Harlow Baby led weaning Feeding transition advice
reducing your baby’s milk intake. I can also provide advice on what foods to avoid and help you develop a weaning plan that will provide a healthy, nutritious diet working around your family’s routine and eating habits.

Successful weaning will help address some of the pitfalls associated with changes in your baby’s diet such as constipation and diarrhoea and may help prevent your child becoming a “fussy eater”.

Contact me if you would like to discuss baby-led weaning in further detail.

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